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Q4T (Quality for Teens) Search
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Quality ASRH Care
What Are We Trying to Improve? This Quality Improvement (QI) site provides goals, strategies, implementation tips, and resources to guide primary care teams in their efforts to improve adolescent[...]
How was Q4T Developed? Q4T (Quality for Teens): A Quality Improvement Package for Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Care was developed using robust methods including an environmental scan, a[...]
Additional Reading
Recommended Additional Reading Open[...]
Example Performance Measures
Performance Goals to Measure Progress Establishing systems to collect, report, and use data is essential to monitoring adolescent sexual and reproductive health quality improvement efforts. Health[...]
Change Strategies by Focus Area
Overview Change strategies are provided throughout this site for each of Q4T’s quality improvement goals. They are shown here by focus area for health centers that want to organize their[...]
Trauma-Informed Approach Integrated into Care
Youth-Friendly Practices Many children and adolescents have experienced adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), such as abuse, neglect, or another type of trauma. Care team members should integrate a[...]
Confidentiality Protected
Youth-Friendly Practices Protecting confidentiality is important, especially as adolescents feel concerned about the disclosure of sensitive health information, including sexual behavior. Strategies[...]
Welcoming and Accessible Environment Established
Youth-Friendly Practices Adolescents value welcoming and accessible clinical environments, which can lead to improved sexual and reproductive health outcomes, higher rates of patient satisfaction,[...]
Same-Day Access to Full Range of Contraceptive Methods
Clinical Service Goal Low or no-cost contraception, provided with same-day access in accordance with medical eligibility and practice recommendations, reduces barriers often faced by adolescents.[...]
Patient-Centered Contraceptive Counseling
Clinical Service Goal Information and education about contraceptive methods and how to prevent unintended pregnancy is important to share with all adolescent patients. For adolescents who want to[...]
Chlamydia and Gonorrhea Screening and Follow-Up
Clinical Service Goal Chlamydia and gonorrhea screening is recommended annually for all sexually active cisgender women <25 years of age1,2 and should be extended to all transgender men and gender[...]
Behavioral Counseling Related to Sexual Health
Clinical Service Goal Behavioral counseling is recommended for all sexually active adolescents because it’s been shown to increase safer sex behaviors and reduce the likelihood that sexually active[...]
Who Developed Q4T? Q4T (Quality for Teens): A Quality Improvement Package for Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Care was developed and produced by the National Association of Community Health[...]
General Quality Improvement Resources
Common QI Models and Techniques Open[...]
Screening for Sexual Activity and Sexual Risk Assessment
Clinical Service Goal Sexual history and sexual risk assessments are foundational ASRH services. These screening practices enable care teams to identify risk behaviors and offer protective[...]
Needs Assessment
What is Your ASRH Goal? Some health centers may undertake adolescent sexual and reproductive health (ASRH) quality improvement (QI) with a specific goal in mind. However, for others, the improvement[...]
Organizational Readiness
Is Your Organization Ready? Health centers will want to ensure organizational readiness to conduct adolescent sexual and reproductive health (ASRH) quality improvement (QI). Steps to Ensure Readiness[...]