The Delta Variant of the COVID-19 virus is generating a spike in infection rates and deaths across many states, a trend that the Centers for Disease Control is calling a “pandemic of the unvaccinated.” With one of the lowest vaccination rates nationwide, Georgia is especially vulnerable. That brings us to Albany Area Primary Health Care (AAPHC), a Community Health Center in rural southwest Georgia. They are working hard to save lives by vaccinating their community, setting up vaccination sites and talking one on one with people who are reluctant to get vaccinated.
The staff at AAPHC are determined not to let recent history repeat itself. Just over one year ago, Albany was listed as No. 4 in the world of COVID-19 cases per capita. Throughout that time, the health center never once closed its doors to patients. Many providers and staff fell ill. And one of the first COVID deaths in Albany was an employee of the health center.
We wanted to learn more about their work in building a vaccination infrastructure that would allow them to get the vaccines to their community and Georgians across the state. Our conversation with them is part of a podcast series, Health Centers on the Front Lines, that NACHC is launching to chronicle the role of health centers in meeting this public health moment with courage, dedication and no small amount of humanity. A snippet is below and you can listen or view the entire podcast on our page.
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