Community Health Center (CHC) staff are key in ensuring America’s health care safety net reaches far and wide. From front desk to enabling services and administration to a wide array of medical, dental, and behavioral health provider types, health centers recruit and retain highly skilled health care professionals by leveraging federally funded career pathway initiatives.
Data highlights:
- NHSC clinicians serve at over 9,000 Community Health Centers providing care to more than 21 million patients.
- In 2021, health centers and Look-Alikes employed more THCGME graduates one-year post-residency than hospitals and other provider organizations.
- The Nurse Corps Scholarship & Loan Repayment Program supports more than 600 nurses in Community Health Centers
- In 2022, 510 graduates of BHWD programs were working in Community Health Centers.
Learn more about our workforce policy & funding requests by visiting our Health Center Advocacy page.