Since its founding more than 50 years ago, NACHC has been the leader in responding to the need for increasing access to affordable, equitable, quality health care. The primary healthcare landscape continues to evolve at an increasingly rapid rate, driving NACHC’s commitment to support innovation in workforce development, outreach and enrollment, population health, targeted emergency assistance, important research and policy work, and more. As a driver of innovation, NACHC has committed itself to an expansive and transparent understanding of its role as a catalyst for change.
At this vital moment, NACHC is proud to announce the launch of its new Strategic Framework, a guiding tool to prepare and build for a more equitable, bold, and innovative future. The Strategic Framework is the result of a dynamic process including thoughtful, careful, and comprehensive consideration of where NACHC has been and where NACHC and the Community Health Center Movement need to go. From the smallest neighborhood community health center at the ground level to the C-suite, NACHC and its members generated hundreds of hours and thousands of ideas which have been refined into the Strategic Framework.
These transformative ideas about NACHC, and its collaborative role in shaping the future of healthcare, have been organized in ten strategic priorities, collectively designed to help Community Health Centers become the employers, providers, and partners of choice. The Strategic Framework is an actionable, catalytic tool that will enable NACHC, our members, and so many key stakeholders in the community health movement to accomplish measurable and equitable change together.
The Strategic Framework has important implications for the future of NACHC, the trajectory of the health center movement, and the landscape of primary care and healthcare as a whole. Health centers are the beating heart of healthcare, reaching into communities and changing them by reaching beyond the walls of the exam to not only prevent illness, but address the drivers that may cause it.
Through this Strategic Framework, NACHC is making the commitment to a bold, ambitious, and innovative future that aims to see health centers soon serve 1 in 3 patients across the country.
In the years ahead, this Strategic Framework will serve as the resilient structure that enables NACHC to lead health centers to become the nation’s employers, providers, and partners of choice—for ALL.